She was the child of the rainforest, a dryad, and a ravishing beauty.

Reared by the raven and the rhinao, she refused to read the 3R's nd grew up to be a radiant beauty.

A rambling rajah fell in love with her and re-located her to his royal residence in Rangoon. Refusing all nourishment, she relinquished her mortal coils.

The regretful royal buried her by the rapids of the river Ramganga.

Came the rainy season, and a rare flower reared up from her resting place. The reincarnation was renamed Reinwardtia.
Reinwardtia indica , or Pyoli, as it is known locally, has many ballads and folk songs in her honour. The innocence and beauty of the maiden of the rainforest of the Himalayan foothills , who refused to live in a king's palace, has inspired many a folk songster.
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