Sunday, December 15, 2013

Today's Flowers

Most hibiscus plants have gone to the rest mode, but some, like this one are valiantly showing flowers.
 Another hard working hibiscus.
 My Strelitzia is slowly waking from its slumber.
 Kalanchoe flowers are attractive, though my camera doesn't do them justice.
 Golden shrysanthemums love the winter when they can show their blooms .
You can see flowers from all over the world at Today's Flowers.


  1. Such exquisite flowers and beautiful colors!! Thank you for sharing the beauty!!

  2. Fantastic flowers and I love their colors. I learned a new name today, Strelitzia. Thank you for sharing again with Today's Flowers :)

  3. Thank you for your beautiful pictures I enjoy to see on a cold snowy morning in Canada.

  4. I love that first hibiscus. The rest of the flowers are lovely too, but that hibiscus nabbed me.


  5. Fabulous blooms....thank you for sharing!

    Have a great week,
    Ruby - Starry Universe
