Sunday, March 16, 2014

Today's Flowers

 The Petria vine is now full of these lovely violet flowers. The old flowers fall , swirling in the wind, to make a violet carpet on the ground.
 All my gerberas have disappeared except this one.
 With the beginning of the hot season, the blue sage is sending up its last blooms.
 The Barbados lily is a charmer.
You can see what else is blooming in the world at Today's Flowers.


  1. Beautiful! I love the lily and the gerbera. Have a lovely Sunday.

  2. Your petria vine and gerberas look so stunning! Beautiful

  3. I have a Petria vine that I grew from seed and it is putting out lots of new growth. I look forward to the day this blooms.

    I also have Blue Sage. It is one of my favorite plants.

    Have a wonderful week ~ FlowerLady

  4. Lovely flowers, beautiful colors and delightful captures for the day!! Have a great new week!!

  5. Here in northern CA, winter is over and we're having lovely sunny days and warming weather....still drought conditions, though....and allergy season has begun.

  6. Lovely blooms! I have some missing flowering plants too! ;(
