Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Some insects of my garden

The mantis in the dahlia is patiently waiting for its prey. It was there for hours so it tempted me to photograph it.
The beetles in the rose have had their fill of pollen. Look how one is lolling contentedly in the flower, filled to satiation! They flew away as soon as I took the picture.


  1. Well, it certainly looks like it isn't 'all work and no play' for the beetles! Nice pictures, Lotusleaf.

  2. Quite weird, after the rains for the past few days, the sun came back and all the flies and bugs you can imagine hatched. The exterior of my house was covered in bugs and if I went outside, they covered me too. Yuck!

  3. Thanks, Shailaja.The beetles do look funny, don't they.
    Barry, I hope the bug infestation is of short duration!

  4. Great pictures. The dahlia is beautiful! Do those types of beetles eat your roses? I know some gardeners complain of Japanese beetles eating their flowers, but I've never seen one. At least it looks like those guys left your pretty rose alone.

  5. These beetles didn't eat the flowers, but the usual ones do.
