The home of the beloved Kannada poet K.V.Puttappa is in the midst of a dense rainforest in the Western Ghats. The lush greenery and the smells and sounds of the forest must have inspired him to write his beautiful poetry.
The Karnataka state government has hept the ancient homestead in good repair , and has turned it into a museum.
It was quite common for large families to live in the middle of the dense forest in the last century. People grew their own rice and vegetables, kept cows and hens, and grew spices, coffee and betelnut which brought them money.
My thanks to the team of Our World Tuesday.
The Karnataka state government has hept the ancient homestead in good repair , and has turned it into a museum.
It was quite common for large families to live in the middle of the dense forest in the last century. People grew their own rice and vegetables, kept cows and hens, and grew spices, coffee and betelnut which brought them money.
My thanks to the team of Our World Tuesday.