Monday, January 31, 2011

The Hot, the Loud and the Proud #11

Last weekend, I had the opportunity to go to my favourite place, the forests of the Western Ghats. The Butea trees , which are also called Flame of the Forest, were in full bloom everywhere, their hot orange, pea like flowers making a sharp contrast with the blue sky.
The Bamboo trees were also in flower, which according to the local people, is a sign of impending drought and famine. I hope their forbodings will not come true.
My thanks to Noel for his wonderful meme the Hot, the Loud and the Proud, which celebrates tropical plants and flowers the last day of every month.


  1. What a lovely place and such beautiful trees and blue skies! Delightful! Thanks for sharing the beauty!


  2. aloha,

    thanks for linking today, the cats whisker's plant you were inquiring about is part of the mint family and grows in tropical locations. we have these beautiful trees also in hawaii, they do make an amazing display when all the leaves turn colors.

  3. Hello again, love the Butea tree shape and its flowers. I bet that really is a wonderful sight :-)

    Wondering about the bamboo - does the plant not die after flowering? I had three good sized plants a few years ago. I understood that this variety only flowered every 100 years and when it did the plant died back. One TV Gardener at the time (Monty Don) said that after 3-4 years the plant may recover. I have a small garden and couldn't wait that long. I pulled out two plants and kept one. One year since, it looked like new growth was coming back but alas this didn't come to anything. I keep it in hope - maybe this year :-)

    I hope your tales are not true :-)
